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Structure From Motion Computation

Structure from motion is the name given to the process of deriving the 3D structure of an object from either how it moves or how the view point moves round it. Stereoscopy makes this process simpler as depth perception can be calculated with each image pair. The process is used extensively in both augmented reality and the creation of mirror worlds.

Structure from motion computation is a narrower term for the same thing, referring to structure from motion calculated artificially as opposed to through organic systems.

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Structure From Motion Computation


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3D Visual Processing Centre Identified
Detecting 3D is a trait of stereoscopy. Its why humans tend to have two eyes, two different viewpoints create a degree of parallax, and allow us to perceive in 3D. However, motion parallax and movement in all three dimensions is harder to discern than simple 3D structure.

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Cheapening the Cost of Motion Sensors
Motion sensors are starting to creep into a whole plethora of applications. They are the linch pins of haptics, of 3D pointers, of stress based sensor networks and locomotive VR interfaces. Yet, there's a problem. Small, discrete motion sensors, tiny enough to be built into larger devices the size say, of a Wii-remote or a 6 ounce HMD, are extremely difficult and expensive to produce.

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A 'hands-on' approach to computers
A physorg article, looking at one man's quest to bring augmented reality interfaces for computation into existence - blending the computer interface with the physical world.

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Podcast: Exploring the re-wiring of the brain
This podcast comes from TED 2004, and discusses the nature of the organic brain; its ability to learn, to structure itself, and then re-structure itself, together with examples of early attempts to manually steer that process, altering the input, and changing learned behaviours fundamentally.

Eadweard Muybridge's pioneering work on the motion of all manner of quadrupeds. Horses, goats, cats, gnus, eagles, gazelles, sloths, camels, many others shown walking, running, flying, leaping, almost a complete range of natural motions duplicated for the benefit of animators and skeletal model making.

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Render Smoke And Fog Without Being A Computation Hog
Computer scientists from UC San Diego have developed a way to generate images like smoke-filled bars, foggy alleys and smog-choked cityscapes without the computational drag and slow speed of previous computer graphics methods.

The paperback 'lightweight version of 'The Human Figure in Motion', this book as might be extrapolated from the title, contains 60 photographic sequences of the more common everyday activities of both men and women. Most are nude, allowing the musculature and natural drooping from one frame to another to be clearly seen and analysed.

Horses and other Animals in Motion is a collection of, as the title says, 45 sets of photographs of horses hauling, walking, trotting, etc., plus sequences of donkeys, an ox, pig, dog, cat, deer and other animals capture details of anatomy and movement. These images, were taken by the definitive expert in the field, Eadweard Muybridge.


Industry News containing the Term Structure From Motion Computation:

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Researchers have long known of the brain's ability to learn based on visual motion input, and a recent study has uncovered more insight into where the learning occurs.

The brain first perceives changes in visual input (local...

Technion scientists have developed a biological computer, composed entirely of DNA molecules and enzymes constructed on a gold-coated chip.

The new computer can accept as many as 1 billion programs. This is a dramatic advance...

A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently — and move more predictably.

Ask someone with her hands in her lap to pick up a coffee mug on the table she’...

A team of scientists and engineers at the University of Minnesota has invented a unique microscale optical device that could greatly increase the speed of downloading information online and reduce the cost of Internet transmission.

It is well known that people use head motion during conversation to convey a range of meanings and emotions, and that women use more active head motion when conversing with each other than men use when they talk with each other.